Sunday, July 21, 2013

Here Again

Being around horses you find out a lot about what it is to be here now.  Horses are expert readers of the here and now, and the more you hang around them, the more you get the knack of it.  It's not that I really want to give up my love of history and everything the past has to teach us, or forego dreaming of and planning for the future.  But horses, above all else in my life, offer me the opportunity to understand what it is to occupy the present.  Or actually, let me rephrase that, the opportunity to occupy the present, understanding notwithstanding.  Their influence on me is You Are Here, whether you understand anything or not.

On days when I'm going fast through everything--working, running errands, returning calls--I find a resistance in myself to the idea that I have time to ride.  Ride time is slow time, and my body intuits a shift coming, a clearing away of the stress hormones we are all addiacted to.  To overcome the resistance, I have to tell myself I'm just going to take a short trail ride, won't take long.  Once I'm riding, I forget all about such nonsense as whether I have time for this or that.  My life comes back to me and I am here again.

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